Aluminum Conversion connector / intermediate connector DN100 – DN50

With conversion connectors, which are also called intermediate connectors, the size of the connectors can be changed. The DN80 connector can be changed to sizes DN50 and DN 100. The DN100 connector can be changed to sizes DN80 and DN50.

Our fire fittings have been tested by VTT Expert Services Oy in accordance with point F7 of the standard SFS-EN 671-1 (VTT-S-05218-15). They are made of high-quality domestic aluminum or zinc loss-resistant brass. The conversion connectors are cast from one part, i.e. they are not assembled by gluing.

All JM-Valu's fire fittings are immediately available as stock products. Deliveries even on the same day.

Additional information

Additional information

Nail spacing: 144-68mm. Equipped with a handle. Designed to be as short as possible without affecting usability.

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